Random Crash and im hoping maybe you folks can help
Drakkon37 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Issue Description:
Random crash to desk top, 1.7.10 -
Players are randomly getting crashed to desk top with the same error. Tping them to another location alows them to log back in but if they stay in the location that they crashed in the will crash again. Currently both the server and the client files for the wither and skeleton are set to false.
One of many crash reports.
You have well over 200 enabled mods.
What made you believe that it is an issue with EIO? (And do fix your pastebin URL, pretty please.)
Take two for the pastebin
And yes I know its over 200 mods but everything I look at seems to mention EIO and i have nothing else to work wit
I don't see anything in that log pointing at EnderIO, though I don't see it pointing at anything in particular. Only issue that I saw (apart from it being a crash log) is that EIO found an outdated RF API, but couldn't figure out which mod it was from.
Do the server logs say anything interesting when one of these players crashes?
Nothing of note, Back to the drawing board.... only thing i have been finding with the stacking error it shows put me near here thats why I tried here.
This error is usually caused by having different EnderZoo configs on the client and server.