Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

dabaer opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Issue Description:

After updating to DragonAPI v13b, EnderIO crashes on both client and server. Because those mods are not referenced at all in the stack trace i'm posting here first.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO:,
  • EnderCore:
  • Minecraft: 1.7.10
  • Forge: 1614

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

Latest FML client log: https://gist.github.com/dabaer/1dff4a750e418debc68163157f9b76eb


could you please upload the crashlog located in the crashlog folder not the whole server/client-logfile?

located in your C:\Users\Jadenn\AppData\Roaming.technic\modpacks\crux\crash-reports\crash-2016-05-12_19.02.54-client.txt


Check your config file, the "travelStaffBlinkBlackList" contains an invalid value (one without ":"). Shame on Forge for crashing on it.


@mindforger Everything in the crash log is already in the Forge log i posted verbatim.

@HenryLoenwind I don't see any invalid values in that list unfortunately :<

# Lists the blocks that cannot be teleported through in the form 'modID:blockName' [default: [minecraft:bedrock], [Thaumcraft:blockWarded]]
    S:travelStaffBlinkBlackList <

Okay, I doubled back to Reika's Issue tracker and found the crash related to what you've suggested (for some reason when I searched that crash yesterday github returned no results here or there). I am getting the stack you see here on the client, but i'm also getting the stack trace from #3298 on the server side.

I thought it was an issue with Thermos that made the stack different but I assumed it was the same issue on both sides. Also, the configurations are identical (no seemingly invalid items in the list).

I'll leave this open and reference it in the other thread as the "client" side crash to this issue.



It's a valid issue though, we should have more sanity checks on external data.


I looked at Forge in multiple versions. I'd say when our code was first written, it was ok to call that constructor with a colon-less string. And in 1.8.9 it is ok again.


WTF? So they added safety checks, then removed them, then added them again?


I think this one might be mine; there was a typo in a registry name. v13c is coming soon.


No, first they simplified their parsing code to use String.split() (forgetting to check .length), then in 1.8.9 changed it so that it defaults to "minecraft:" if there's no mod id in the String.

In the past (too lazy to check details), a a String without colon would return a "no resource with that name" object. In 1.7 it will crash hard. In 1.8.9 it is a valid input meaning "vanilla ID".


I think this should be clear now? Closing.


So what exactly is the fix here that I should be doing? Sorry I can't quite figure it out. I am still getting this crash with all my mods updated, but I don't understand what is wrong with the config



The fix is coming in the next update of either mod.


Yeah I have been trying all day with the latest Ender IO and the latest ChromatiCraft to no avail. (1.7.10)