Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


IMPORTANT MAJOR AND GENERAL BUG (1.9 and 1.9.4) : Catched unhandled exception java.lang.NullPointerException

0Navis0 opened this issue · 25 comments




This isn't spam O____o'


And http://pastebin.com/KhwV1WKg doesn't even have Ender IO in the bloody log file. talk about waste mod devs time


Saying ZOMG IMPORTANT MAJOR and then posting the same ticket to 15 other mods' trackers is pretty spammy


if 15 mods have the same problem with you, couldn't the problem lie with you?


I just try to warn the maximum of people the presence of this bug. This bug touches many mods.
Do you really think that I take to try all the blocks of 50 mods one by one for seeing if they provocate the bug, and then write a pretty well described presentation of the bug to all the potential mods touches by this bug ?
I passed one week to try all the block one by one for seeing wich one provocated the bug. To try the mods alone with only Forge, to change the Minecraft and Forge version for seeing if it changed something.


Then why are you the only one able to reproduce it?


To be a bit productive: This message is produced by WAILA. And it is produced in the network thread, where no code is allowed to access the world, let alone talk to any tile entity. So I'd recommend you report it to WAILA: https://bitbucket.org/ProfMobius/waila/issues?status=new&status=open




toke a lot of time and made a lot of different tries before to write this issue and inform many developpers to the existence of this issue wich touches many blocks of many mods. Think what you want. You can think that I'm a spammer, I don't really care. I don't want to anger me with things like that.


You don't have to inform "many developers", you have to inform the developer that caused the bug. Why would EnderIO care about a bug that is caused by WAILA?


Because the bug happens even without Waila...
Anyway I don't want to justify more, this discussion is sterile


If it is reproducible without EnderIO, without WAILA, without… anything, then… report it to Mojang, k?


Have you even readed what I had written, I had described wich blocks was touched by the bug, and there are EnderIO blocks wich provocated this bug.


Dude, you're digging your own grave.
Nobody care what you write until you start reading what people are replying to your nonsense.
Right now you have two and only two choices:

  1. Get outta here by yourself, and report the issue where it belongs.
  2. Get booted for being a nuisance.

Waila isn't linked to the bug because even when EnderIO is alone, the bug happens for the blocks I had specified. But anyway it's useless that I justify me here because everybody think that I'm wrong and did it only for the fun of spamming, like if I had only that to do in my life...


So, get me a log without WAILA and I'll look into it


I tried it with only EnderIO installed on the last 1.9.4 Forge version. The bug still happens for the same blocks, here I tried it by breaking a fused quartz block. http://pastebin.com/qMChpNSY
I can't give you more informations, I don't get any crash reports.


ok, so that message you quote is totally unrelated to your problem. A nice Red Herring.



It's impossible, I have 16 Go, I set my instance to 12 Go, and Minecraft only uses 6 to 8 Go. If you don't trust me, you can see it by yourself.


lol. So, what have you learned, @Hypsellis? ;)


It's what mojang's article says


yeah 12 is ridicilously high. max that to 5 or 6. (Garbage collection takes loooong with that much allocated memory, thus minecraft not understanding any of it)


Yeah maybe it's too hight, but it's surely not because it's too hight that this bug happens.

But anyway I'm tired to deal with people who think that I did it only for spamming, if I would have wanted to do it, I would have sent injures everywhere and not created a pretty well persented and described issue to many mods.


After some researshs a bit everywhere, it is revealed that this issue was caused by MultiMc. The error has been corrected on the new MultiMC version. So sorry for the bothering.