Power Advantage drain + EnderIO fluid tank crash
OhiraKyou opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Sucking water from a Power Advantage drain into an EnderIO fluid tank causes a crash then and on subsequent world loading attempts.
I am also posting this report to the Power Advantage issues.
Crash log
Screenshots with steps
Example world that crashes on load (489 KB)
- Minecraft 1.9.4
- Forge 1.9.4-
- EnderIO 1.9.4-
- EnderCore 1.9.4-
Power Advantage
- OreSpawn 1.9.4-1.0.2
- BaseMetals 1.9.4-
- PowerAdvantage 1.9.4-2.2.1
Our code here is:
if(tank.getFluidAmount() > 0) {
FluidStack canPull = tank.getFluid().copy();
canPull.amount = tank.getCapacity() - tank.getFluidAmount();
canPull.amount = Math.min(canPull.amount, IO_MB_TICK);
FluidStack drained = target.drain(dir.getOpposite(), canPull, true); <--- 107
if(drained != null && drained.amount > 0) {
tank.fill(drained, true);
tankDirty = true;
return res;
I see no way we could give something null-crashable into that call, unless the tank had a null fluid in it. Which would be near impossible as FluidStacks react quite violently to be created with a null fluid.
PS: please link the sister issue, thx.
Here she is: DrPlantabyte/PowerAdvantageAPI#24