EnderIO creates some ItemStacks with null Items during startup
mezz opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I was messing around looking for null items from Forestry and found some in EnderIO too. These are hard to debug when things go wrong so I figured I should pass on the info!
Make sure to check that the block has a corresponding item. For one example, when subclass RubberTreeRamerIC2
is init, GameRegistry.findBlock
actually returns Blocks.AIR by default (ugh), which has no item. This affects the sapling items and wood items.
Similar issue detected here:
and here, use Items.CARROT, Items.POTATO, Items.NETHER_WART, Items.WHEAT_SEEDS,
Thx, but actually:
PS: Carrots, potatoes, nether wart should use the items, yes. Somehow nobody ever cleans up code I put a "this needs cleanup" comment on. g