Insulated Conduits not connecting to RFTools machines
ThatSava opened this issue ยท 14 comments
Issue Description:
Insulated redstone conduit isn't connecting to some RFTools machines. Machines confirmed not working: Endergenic Generator, Pearl Injector. Machines confirmed working: Ender Monitor. All machines listed previously work fine when connected with vanilla redstone
What happens:
I was setting up my endergenic generator setup and EIO wires didn't connect to my RFTools machines.
(Edit: the setup in question is http://s.savikin.me/scr/javaw_2016-06-08_12-16-59.jpg )
What you expected to happen:
Conduits connecting to the machines and passing redstone signals as needed.
Steps to reproduce:
- Install EIO
- Install RFTools
- Place uninsulated conduit next to endergenic generator
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 1.9.4-
- EnderCore: 1.9.4-
- Minecraft: 1.9.4
- Forge:
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
This happened on a server where I don't have access to logs, so it's impossible for me to provide logs
Are you connecting the conduits or are you just placing them? Insulated Redstone conduits need to be connected, that's what makes them insulated...
I am not, since I am not able to connect them to machines with rclick with yeta wrench. I thought this happens automatically
Actually yes, it does happen automatically with the redstone lamp shown in the picture in original post
Some vanilla blocks are whitelisted fro auto-connect.
So this is odd, you should be able to connect a redstone conduit to everything, even air. Are they in a facade or not? With facades on servers there is a known issue, without it would be something new.
No facades, I wasn't even able to connect it to a redstone lever. Will try connecting to other things soon
Also, looking at my mod list I'd say the version indicator ingame is broken too because it says I have 0.23_alpha, while I have 0.36_alpha. Sorry about that
Maybe you looked at the version of endercore by mistake? Otherwise I'd like a screenshot, maybe there's something wrond on our end.
@CrazyPants ping, as you know those conduits best.
I think I see why the conduits aren't working as intended. Will elaborate tonight when I come back home
For of all, I'll say that this is most likely a user(my) error or unintended feature.
I had my yeta wrench in redstone conduit mode. I was looking at a conduit at this angle http://s.savikin.me/scr/javaw_2016-06-08_21-03-45.png thinking it would expand if I right clicked it. Turns out you need to hit both conduit and whole block border from the same side, like so http://s.savikin.me/scr/javaw_2016-06-08_21-04-49.png .
In conclusion, I think it would be easier to use if you only had to rclick conduit bounding box, instead whole block bounding box
Agreed, it's difficult to click the block's bounding box on the right side when there's a full block in the way you're trying to connect to.
yes, they are broken. Crazy's not been available to fix them lately, and I am a bit afraid of that code, tbh.
Isn't there a keybind combination to click on any part of a conduit to open a GUI that lets you pick any side of the conduit and open that side's GUI? I thought it was Shift + Left Click (while holding a Yeta Wrench), but I had issues with it in 1.7 and haven't tried in 1.8+.
Something like the neotech connection gui would be wonderful. I don't have a screenshot right now, but you basically opens a gui which you can rotate the block and pick what side you want to change to what.