[1.9.4] Powered Spawner can't be combined with Broken Spawner in Anvil
Melakion opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Seems to be caused by wuestUtilities. Brian-Wuest/MC-Repurpose#2
Not sure how...
https://github.com/Brian-Wuest/MC-WuestUtilities/blob/MC-1.9.4/src/main/java/wuest/utilities/Events/WuestEventHandler.java#L225 deals with the anvil, but I don't know how it works enough to know if it would break EIO stuff..
I think I see the problem, Before I check for "ItemBook" I am setting the output to null which would interfere with any other mods working with the Anvil. This was a new feature which obviously wasn't tested with other mods in mind.
I just committed an update to remove that line of code. An update to CurseForge will be uploaded shortly.
Seems to be something else in the pack interfering with it though, EIO does it fine by itself. Sorry, I should have tested more extensively.