End Dragons are not spawnable despite IBossDisplayData mobs config being allowed.
Drullkus opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Pack - FTB Unstable 4.0.7
EnderIO Jar Filename - EnderIO-1.9.4-
Withers/Pink Withers/Other Mobs with IBossDisplayData are spawnable from EnderIO's Powered Spawner (allowed in config), however when I attempt to spawn the End Dragon, nothing happens. It should be spawning the End Dragon. The Powered Spawner is located in the End.
Hm, you might be right on the limited space. What's its size? I had some obsidian pillars near where I was attempting to spawn it.
I also found that Botania Gaia Guardians despawn immediately after being spawned.
Another problem is that you cannot capture it---because you cannot right-click it. It seems to have no proper hitbox.
That's a friggin' chunk!
I think the real entity hotbox might be somewhere on the dragon's torso.
It has some kind of hitbox, just not the kind that can be right-clicked with an item.
Also, I found another problem. The whole dragon AI is in a separate singleton class. So there can always only be one (moving and fighting) dragon and it can only be in the end. And dragons that are not controlled by it cannot even be hit.
Yes, that code is new. I even found a part that scans for an "old" dragon to adopt it.
I'd say we'll leave "spawning multiple ender dragons anywhere" to another mod. That's a huge task, you basically have to copy most of that code. So I'm blacklisting the dragon hard. Sorry :-(
Not too bothered by the blacklisting anyway, it's kind of automatable as-is already.
Why not just add the dragon to the config blacklist instead by default?