[1.9.4] Inventory Panel Doesn't Display Items In Large Storage Networks
praetoras opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Issue Description:
Inventory Panel stops working when available inventory slots exceed a certain number.
What happens:
I have a storage system set up with a network of RFTools Modular Storage units. Admittedly, I have a lot of them. However, I discovered that when I hooked up the network, while the inventory will take items from the return area and place them into the network with no trouble, it will not display the inventory of the network at all. I had to disable parts of the network in order to get the inventory to show up.
What is the limit to the number of inventory slots the inventory panel can scan? As noted below, if there's a hard limit to the number of inventory slots it can access, I just need to know what it is so I can build/plan accordingly. If there's a way to lift it without breaking something, that would be fantastic.
What you expected to happen:
I expected the inventory storage to show the inventories of the modular storage units.
Steps to reproduce:
- Build a network of RFTools Modular Storage units (each with a 3rd tier module).
- Conduit links are all set to insert only with the Remote upgrade.
- Network is 6 groups of 144 modular storage units.
- I have the groups three blocks tall, three blocks wide, and 24 blocks long.
- Outer blocks are storage units, and the middle "lane" is used for the item conduits.
- Hook up an inventory panel to the network - the inventory area will show grayed out.
- Disconnect several of the networked groups from the storage network.
- After disconnecting, the inventory shows up in the Inventory Panel just fine.
Image Album here: http://imgur.com/a/HE6zH
*_NOTE:_* I'll totally understand if that behavior was somehow disabled for performance or memory reasons. However, I had a network of Storage Drawers set up of similar capacity, which appeared to work fine until I discovered it wouldn't display any item with more than 64 in its stack, so I switched to the RFTools Storage Module.
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 1.9.4-
- EnderCore: 1.9.4-
- Minecraft: 1.9.4
- Forge:forge-1.9.4-
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
There isn't a log file currently, as there was no crash. The Inventory Panel just didn't display any items at all.
[pastebin/gist/etc link here]
I had a quick look but haven't found any code to limit the number of inventories that can be connected
I appreciate the reply!
I discovered the problem: I found that if I put wool across the network and then filter for wool in the Inventory Panel search, over the course of 20-30 minutes the inventory panel shows the wool one at a time as the panel 'discovers' their storage modules in the network, but they do (eventually) all show up.
So essentially, it's the sheer amount of time it takes for the inventory panel to scan a large storage network. I'm not sure if that's a fixable thing or not.
Related: To try and get around the 'network lag' of one storage network, I attempted to set up multiple inventory panels, each on a different channel/signal to different groups of storage. However, I discovered that unless the conduits themselves were completely separate from each other (from the panel to the storage units) the panels still attempted to scan the entire network, and so suffered the same amount of delay.