Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[ Suggestion ] 1.9.4 Ender IO Advanced Storage

praetoras opened this issue ยท 0 comments


One thing I've always loved building is storage systems. Between myself and the people I play with, we generate a ton of items. The problem I keep running into is storage limits - not in the sense that the storage is limited, perse, but it seems very difficult to get both a lot of storage, and a lot of organization.

I'd like to propose an "Advanced Storage" system for Ender IO. There's all kinds of things you could call it, "Void Storage," "Ender Storage," "Pocket Dimension," .

I've listed out some features that I think would be really handy in such a system:

  • Upgradable storage, with each tier allowing more items to be stored.
  • Multi-stack slots (for example, you have a box with 16 slots, but you have 5 stacks of redstone. The 5 stacks would be all put in the same "slot" instead of taking up 5 slots)
  • Option/Upgrade of either having storage system auto-discard extras after the maximum amount of the multi-stack is reached, or an upgrade that allows near-unlimited storage for a particular item.
  • Auto-Stick feature (instead of having to define a filter, have the storage 'sort itself.' Once an item (such as redstone) is stuck in the box, all other redstone would go to that box).
  • Implementing some means of dealing with 'overflow' would be fantastic.

Even if the storage system isn't done just this way, having expanded storage that works well with the Inventory Panel would be fantastic. Ender IO is already my go-to for RF and power, and item transmitting, and even redstone circuits. Having a synergistic storage system would be icing on the cake.