Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[1.8.9] farming station does not recognize mod seeds as seeds

kotoroshinoto opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I am not currently aware if this feature is considered to be working or still in development, but I figured the feedback might be useful.

Want to be able to grow industrial hemp seeds from immersive engineering. they are plantable on regular ground OR farmland, so in theory they should work, but the block doesn't recognize them as seeds.

What happens:

Text saying "no seeds"

What you expected to happen:

Plant the seeds.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run enderio and immersive engineering together
  2. Make, place, and power a farming station, and give it a hoe tool
  3. Place industrial hemp seeds in the seed slots

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO:
  • EnderCore:
  • Minecraft: 1.8.9
  • Forge:

it does recognize the seeds from Pam's Harvestcraft.
It does recognize seeds from a mod called "more food"


examining the seed item with /mt hand I notice it is NOT in an oredict entry with a name seedX


oreDict has nothing to do with seeds


1.8.9 has no support for IE. That was only ported after we switched to 1.9.


Are these seeds oredicted?


is it unrealistic to maintain a backport for 1.8.9 for at least a while? some of the tech mods haven't made the jump beyond 1.8, some haven't even released anything beyond 1.7.10 yet.

Mojang isn't helping with the increasingly rapid release of new versions either


at the moment it is unrealistic to finish the 1.9 port anytime soon...


odd, it also collected the "raspberry crop" item from pam's instead of waiting for the plant to grow.