Necrotic Bones drop too frequently
MineWitherMC opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Issue Description:
If replaceWitherSkeletons in EnderIO config is set to true each skeleton drops TiCon necrotic bone. And by default it's set to true.
What happens:
I tested in gamemode 1, killed 12 W.S. and got 12 necrotic bones. Also I got 2 wither skulls, not sure if this is intended. The sword didn't have Looting nor it was Dark-Steel sword (normal diamond sword).
What you expected to happen:
I disabled that option, teleported into the nether as W.S. only spawn there, killed 20 Wither Skeletons (with same sword) and got 5 necro-bones and 1 wither skull.
Steps to reproduce:
- Set option replaceWitherSkeletons to true (or simply don't change it), install TiCo
- Each skeleton (or at least 90%) will drop TiCo necrotic bone.
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO:
- EnderCore:
- TinkersConstruct:
- Minecraft: 1.7.10
- Forge: build 1566
this will take a day or two, I need to talk to someone who's not online atm. I'll come back to you
I am playing on 1.7.10 and the skeletons are not dropping the necrotic bones, I thought it was a problem on my friend's server and went on to singleplayer and it still doesn't work, I don't know how to set the config for EnderIO to true so they drop the bones could you let me know how to do it please?