Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Crash when right clicking Vibrant Capacitor Bank (maybe any capacitor bank)

TopWraith opened this issue ยท 9 comments


What happens:

I right click my vibrant capacitor bank to see its current storage and attempt to charge items on my friends server. My client crashes and I have to relog into the server.

What you expected to happen:

The capacitor bank inventory opens up.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Login to Server
  2. Right Click Capacitor Bank
  3. Crashes

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 1.7.10-
  • EnderCore: 1.7.10-
  • Minecraft: 1.7.10
  • Forge:

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:



hasn't this been fixed?!

just by chance, do you have a botania item in your slots? remove it and if it does not persist, update botania to the very last version in the 1.7.10 branch


It might have been, i'll have to let my friend know, he's set the mods up himself so might not have the latest ones that we should use.

I'll take a look Henry, thanks.

I don't have botania items in my inventory, i havent started with that mod.


Okay, i removed my ring of flight, and that meant i can access capacitor banks successfully. I'll see if we can get this figured out. :)

Thanks for the help!


Ok, short summary of the issue: Baubles can act strangely which leads to item callbacks being called with bad data. Items that don't expect that will crash.


Yeah, I was reading through. From what I read in the other thread, there was a fix posted?
Can you please confirm the fix and I'll see if I am able to get my friend to update EnderIO with that fix?


The "fix" was for that one Botania item to ignore the bad data and not crash. Here the com.baublelicious.items.ItemFlyingRing is crashing.


Okay, similar but different. I'll not use that ring for the moment, also look into using maybe the extra utilities flying ring. :)

Thanks for the help, I'm kinda horrible at figuring out those crashes. I thought this was related to a different issue, bow of the wyvern doesn't charge unless its 'cheated in' but it's not, and atleast I figured that out.


this one was confusing the first time as well :D
you should report this over to baubleicious and hint them the changes from botania to adapt it