[Request] Support for Actually Additions Canola plants for Farming Station
b0bst3r opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Can you please add support for the canola plants, atm the farming station does plant them and does harvest them but does not pick up the canola (produce) or the canola seeds.
Plants are 1 high and drop multiples of both the seed and crop but neither is picked up.
Want me to post a forge log for this?
no need for logs. This sounds like the produce is dropped on the ground? In that case please report it to Actually Additions, that would be a bug on their side.
Update: I had a look at their code, it looks fine. I'll have to load this into a debugger to se what's going on. But not today or tomorrow, sry.
Yeah it harvests the block/crop and the produce is left on the floor.
I'm trying this again and can see the problem, when the farming station breaks the crop entirely it DOES pick up the seeds and produce. However, it sometimes does a right click harvest which doesn't break the crop and it's that produce which ends up being left on the floor.