Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[Suggestion] Inventory Panel Security

Unforgiven31 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


If I play on a Public Server, anyone can access my Inventory Panel, is there a way to add security system to it, maybe like the Travel Anchor (Private,Protected,Public)

Thanks for the wonderful mod!


All Ender IO GUIs now ask the Forge Permission System for permission before opening.


Same anti-grief protection that prevent interaction with chests, will prevent interaction with panel.
This is not EIO's problem to solve.


So does anyone can acces your chestss or machines. Inv. panel is no magic, it's a techincal device.
If you have social issues, this is not the way you can solve them.


Normally Public Servers have Anti Grief Systems on Chests at least, and you can claim chunks for your base, where only you can place blocks, i can secure my base, but if anyone can reach the Panel will have access to all items.

The way i would do without the security system is removing the Inventory Panel every time i logout, and is not a social issue, its a public server after all, if you don't care about your items they easily disappear.

Thanks anyway (sorry if i misspelled something, i'm not a native english speaker)


added to the list