[1.10.2] Exception Placing PowerCell next to EnderIO Capacitor Bank
veirden opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Issue Description:
Crashed when placing an RFTools Red PowerCell next to an EnderIO Basic Capacitor Bank. Duplicated in a creative world with just these two blocks directly next to each other. Reversing which block is placed first does not seem to change anything. Already posted issue to RFTools and was asked to also post here. McJtyMods/RFTools#612
What happens:
Game crashes upon placing second block, once you restart and try to reload the world it will crash with the same error.
What you expected to happen:
Ability to share power between PowerCell and Capacitor bank.
Steps to reproduce:
- Place Basic Capacitor block
- Place RFTools PowerCell (in my case red cell) touching Basic Capacitor Bank
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: EnderIO-1.10.2-
- EnderCore: EnderCore-1.10.2-
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge: forge-1.10.2-