Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Photovoltaic Cells not craftable when disabling Dimensional Transceiver

Cakestory opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue Description:

Photovoltaic Cells are not craftable when disabling Dimensional Transceiver in EnderIO.cfg under category "item enabling".
Only tested with Dimensional Transceiver. Disabling other items in this category may lead to same error.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to EnderIO.cfg file
  2. Set "B:transceiverEnabled=true" under category "item enabling" to false
  3. Look up recipe for Photovoltaic Cells in JEI or try to craft them manually -> NOT working.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 1.10.2-
  • EnderCore: 1.10.2-
  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: 1.10.2 -

fixed in next build