Suggestion: add config option for changing the Ender's damage
richardmv opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Right now I'm running a 1.7.10 server with several mods including Tinker's Construct, EnderIO, Metallurgy, Thaumcraft, and a number of Thaumcraft add-ons. I'm trying to balance the powers of the various 'ultimate weapons' provided by each of these mods so that there are pros and cons of each to encourage players to find a style that works best for them and have no right or wrong way of reaching epic levels of power. Right now, with the power level of metallurgy's higher tier metals, the high powered weapons provided by Tinkers Construct (I'm trying to nerf those right now), and the awesome magic weapons from Thaumcraft, the Ender, despite it's cool upgrades, seems to be vastly inferior to anything else players can craft.
There's already tons of config options for the EXP values needed to upgrade darksteel equipment, their efficiency, the rate of energy consumption, etc., so it seems like adding a config option to modify the damage of The Ender, and perhaps even options to change the damage added per energy upgrade, should be in the config file. This way the Ender can be modified to compete with the high-powered weapons added by other mods.