Shift+Left-click function of yeta wrench appears to be borked, except on insulated redstone conduits?
Trisscar05 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Thread of entire conversation and testing here;
It's happened in two different modpacks now, do I figured I'd throw it here in case anyone had seen it before and knew the fix already.
redstone conduits are the only conduit type that can be forced to connect to anything. all other conduit types can only connect to blocks that can handle items/fluids/computer data/RF.
Is that the problem?
I don't think so. It sounds like the issue is that a menu is supposed to appear if you sh/l-c on the conduit that allows you to modify all the sides at once, whether they're connected or not. But it refuses to appear except in the case of the redstone conduits.
Huh. May I ask what the cardinal direction menu in this video at around 6:26 is then? That would seem to be the missing screen the original poster was referring to.
Again, you cannot connect an RF conduit to a workbench or a fluid conduit to a torch. The side selection menu will only be shown if there are 2 or more valid connections possible. If there is exactly one valid connection, then that connector's GUI will be shown directly. A redstone conduit can be attached to anything (including air), so if there's one in the bundle, the side selection menu will be shown always.
No, Crouch-Click is to forcibly open the connector menu. Period. No "all sides" or anything.
It is intended for cases, when the connector itself is not accessible for clicks, that's all.
Hello, I'm BuzyD in the FTB thread. Thanks for taking the time to explain things to me. I'm a little noob when it comes to mods, I didn't know this interface was only accessible under certain conditions and I was easy to jump to conclusion that this wasn't my fault.
I wanted to connect an IC2 machine to my RF power supply. I googled a little bit and read that Direwolf20 pack was using EnetBridge so it should work. I thought that I should be able to "force" the connection like I saw direwolf20 do with redstone conduits, at least. It turns out the current version of the pack doesn't even have EnetBridge (DERP! >_<). I can use rednet energy cables (MFR), it seems, to bridge different power types together.
Sorry about that, I should have gone into more details on the scenario. Thanks for your help everyone.
thx for coming in. so it is working as intended, but maybe some feedback in the case of no possible connections would be a good idea. I'll look into that.