[1.7.10] Nutrient Distillation
CristinoValdigem opened this issue ยท 9 comments
i was using a long time EnderIO- and EnderCore- Ok to here
i gonna update the both mods to latest version to minecraft 1.7.10 and when gonna check my mob farm he is full mob inside when i gonna check Vat, he's don't accept and don't appear on NEI the recipe to make Nutrient Distillation.... Why that liquid removed ?
Anyone can explain about it ? For solve my problem i recover my the oldest version of Ender Io and EnderCore
I've Downloaded the Latest Version of Ender Io and Ender Core...
I Download the Ender Io - and Ender Core -
And When i checked my map the Vat stop producting Nutrient Distillation.... and the recipe of Nutrient Distillation is configured on Vat_User Config and in the game the recipe doesn't Work
you can also hold F3 + C for 6seconds and force a crash to create a logfile that says more than thousands words ... well i t may itself say about 1000 words literally XD
also is this singleplayer or multiplayer? If MP then add a short log from the server (clear the log folder, start the server, login, do your not working work and shut it down after that)
See that >
On VatRecipe_Core have the recipe to produce Nutrient Distillation but in the game...