Nutrient Distillation Issue
LukewarmYeti opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Ok so I'm on the newest version of both Ender IO and Ender Core, and I figured this would be a good place to post this because I really can't figure this one out. I can't seem to place nutrient distillation into fluid tanks, inventory panels or killer joe via bucket. I'm sure it used to do this, am I not aware of a change? Im on the latest forge version, maybe that would help?
Ok so with some further testing, I can use the Vat to transfer it to fluid tanks, however, I can't then take out the liquid with a bucket. I can do this with other liquids, such as water and lava. I'm so confused.
I'm guessing that you are using 1.94. or 1.10.2 and the Forge Bucket. The Forge Bucket is not registering itself as a bucket, so there's no way to convert a vanilla bucket into it by filling it. The water and lava registrations ere hardcoded in Forge's Bucket Registry and always work.
How are you supposed to disable the forge bucket? I've disabled the model in the forge.cfg, which for some reason, was forcing true even when disabling it in game, then restarting. I've done that but it still won't let me add the fluids.
Or is this some weird issue with forge? I guess it could be the newest version screwing with the bucket, I'm gonna try to revert to see if this changes it.
Edit: Nothing I've tried has fixed it. No idea what it could be specifically now in terms of the forge bucket, and I have no idea how to fix it.
Ok, so after reinstalling minecraft, and using only Ender core and Ender IO at the latest Versions on 1.10.2 with the latest Forge, the issue still persists. (I've tested with other forge versions it still happens) I can place copper buckets from simple ores, and ender utilities buckets into the fluid tank, but not default mc empty buckets or any other EnderIO bucket that contains things other than water and lava.
Ok found the issue. I'm like 99% sure now it's because Ender Core was recently updated and added " "support for item stacks with fluid capabilities" in it's newest version. The version before that works perfectly. I'll go open an issue there, unless someone knows this is definitely not the issue.