Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Suggestion: Make Vanilla Item Frames Paintable

psychofad opened this issue ยท 4 comments


As the title suggests, I would like to be able to paint vanilla item frames, specifically to paint them invisible so that it appears the item is just placed on the wall instead of in a frame. Is this possible?


Thank you for your suggestion. It has been added to our list or possible enhancement.

This ticket will be closed because we want the list of open tickets to reflect known issues.


There are plenty of mods out there that provide colored and invisible item frames. And as item frames are not blocks but mobs, it doesn't really fit Ender IO.


If you would be so kind as to direct me to the mod that adds invisible item frames for minecraft 1.10.2 I would be very appreciative!


I think I saw one from Tinker's Construct on one of Direwolf20's early 1.10.2 Forgecraft videos.