Killer Joe Crashes Server on player attack [1.10.2]
unlightednetting opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Issue Description:
Killer Joe Crashes server when attacking player
What happens:
Killer Joe Crashes server when attacking player
What you expected to happen:
Killer Joe should not crash server when attacking player
Steps to reproduce:
- Place Killer Joe
- Add Diamond Sword (Happens with Enchanted, and disenchanted)
Server Crashes
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 1.10.2-
- EnderCore: 1.10.2-
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge:1.10.2-
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
Whow, that crash is happening really far away from the Killer Joe.
What's crashing is net.mysticdrew.esm.utils.ChatUtils.formatedName, please report there first. They will have to look at their code and will be able to tell you (and me) if it is cause by anything the Killer Joe (or one of the 3 other involved mods) does.
ohh, it's probably because of the way it changes the name to a nickname somehow. Thanks for looking at it for me.
I let him know, on his curse page and I'm hoping he know's what's going on, and maybe he can change it or maybe if he needs to, even work with you on how it could be fixed.
(It's Enhanced Server Moderation, it adds tags like [ADMIN] and I imagine it's that)
Yes, I expect he's pulling some field from the killer joe fake player we don't populate. However, as we are using the Forge fakeplayer, that's crash with any mod using one, so it won't really be helpful if we populate that field just in the Killer Joe.
@RylenWolf, can you put your issue on my issue tracker please, I don't want to forget about it. I likely will not be able to fix it until this weekend. The issue tracker link is on the curse page. Thanks!
@mysticdrew Didn't even notice it somehow, thanks to both parties for being available to help. :D