Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[1.10.2] Telepad Request - Config Option

praetoras opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Suggestion Description:

The telepad is great, and I love working with it. However, I would like the ability to turn off its "teleport anchor" behavior in the config, so that it doesn't show up or allow teleports when standing on teleport anchors, or when using the staff of travel/The Ender.


"yeah this code works, but there are some quirks i got to check out .... nevermind ... got to work on another mor serious problem" .... several days later ... "did i forgot something? ... nah seems cool" ALWAYS XD


Awesome to know it was helpful :D I really appreciate all your work on the mod!


very nice idea! one way teleport mechanism, could be very usefull when playing multiplayer


Thank you for your suggestion. It has been added to our list or possible enhancement.

This ticket will be closed because we want the list of open tickets to reflect known issues.


I like that one


Thx for this request, it made me find some bugs with the current logic.