Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Suggestion: Mending working in Killer joe As Default.

HeavyDeception opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Could we have it so that the mending works with the sword the killer joe is using.

Or if there is a configuration for this could it be default.


Could you just, you know, enable it in the configuration, instead of wasting everyone's time reporting a nonissue?


no need to be a prick about it.


@HeavyDeception if you look through the configuration you will see an option to enable that feature you requested.

Please close the issue.


@AnrDaemon When you type to someone Please be nicer like saying "There is a setting for that and its off by default. Plz Look at the configs for Enderio. Can you plz close your issue."

I am new to how github works and do not use it that much so. My bad people'


It's fine, there are a lot of config options and it is easy to get lost in them.


@tterrag1098 thanks you.


@AnrDaemon do you want the repository owners to ban you? Cause being a D-bag to people when it is not needed is how you do that.

Not that I am much better but still...

Also, @tterrag1098 thank you for never banning me for my d-baggery. :)


BTW, the config is on by default. If it is not working for you, you are either using an old version, your pack creator disabled it, your server owner disabled it, or there's a bug.


@HenryLoenwind Its and 1.10 enderio is beta
And thanks