Chisel support doesn't connect to other facades
Susjin opened this issue ยท 6 comments
What happens:
When i place an Facade painted with an chisel block that have connected textures next to another facade with same painting, they do not connect, but if i place the facade next to the chisel block that it is painted, it connect without problems
What you expected to happen:
To it connect too
Steps to reproduce:
1.Paint an Facade with an chisel block with connected textures
2.Paint another one with the same block.
3.Place the two facades next to each other
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO:
- EnderCore:
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge:
on-hold for a design decision.
Problem: At the moment we are caching our block renders. For facades that look different depending on their location that caches only the first "look" that is rendered. There is no way for us to detect if a block has this behavior, so we'd need to disable caching completely for this to work. But---facade rendering is a quite expensive operation...
Could you hook into the mods rendering code and just use that instead? Don't know if that would be easier or not.
For static blocks this should actually about as fast as before. Chisel blocks now take 10-20 times as long to render, but that extra is what they also take when rendered on their own. Or overhead is about 10-20% of that on top.