Inventory Panel Remote not opening GUI
ShadowDrakken opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Issue Description:
Inventory Panel Remotes are not opening their GUIs. You can set their target and they consume nutrients when attempting to open them, but the GUI never opens. This started in but still persists as of
What happens:
Inventory Panel Remotes are not opening their GUIs. You can set their target and they consume nutrients when attempting to open them, but the GUI never opens. This started in but still persists as of
What you expected to happen:
Inventory Panel Remote should open the Inventory Panel GUI when right-clicked
Steps to reproduce:
- Setup a functional inventory panel and storage
- Create inventory panel remote
- Set remote target
- Attempt to open inventory panel remote
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO:,,
- EnderCore:
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge: 2073 currently, but have used multiple versions since this issue started
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
NA, not a crash
FWIW, seems fine on the 1.10.2 version. I'm on and just made an item panel system today including the remote. My panel and remote both work fine.
MC 1.10.2
Forge 2065
Confirmed with the new FTB Unstable version
Log: [16:02:20] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Unexpected failure to get tileentity at BlockPos{x=-19, y=10, z=377} for the Inventory Panel Remote
I just started to set up my EnderIO inventory system last night and i ran into this exact issue. I tried both the advanced inventory remote and the ender inventory remote. Both of them allow me to set the target panel by sneak+r-clicking, but when attempting to open the remote's GUI, nutrients are consumed but the GUI never opens, making it impossible to access the inventory remotely.
EnderIO: 1.10.2-
EnderCore: 1.10.2-
Minecraft: 1.10.2
Please recreate with a current version and post the log messages (just the errors "Unexpected failure to get tileentity...")
[18:59:34] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Unexpected failure to get tileentity at BlockPos{x=-19, y=10, z=377} in dimension 0 for the Inventory Panel Remote. Got: null
EnderIO: EnderIO-1.10.2-
EnderCore: EnderCore-1.10.2-
Thx. Are these the correct coordinates of your Inventory Panel in the Overworld? (Sorry I forgot to put that question in with the last comment.)