Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


EnderIO/Travel Anchor Bugs

dovahkiin4991 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Issue Description:

FTB Unstable 4.7.4 MC Version 1.10.2 EnderIO Version 1.10.2- EnderCore-1.10.2-
Lag Upon opening EnderIO

Extremly Blurred EnderIO

Remote connections accessed from Staff Of Traveling Flicker with EnderIO/Travel Anchor

What happens:

Upon opening the EnderIO block, my game begins to get extremely laggy(Guessing around 3-4 fps, where as I get 50-70 fps normal). The EnderIO is also extremely blurred(as expected) and I recommend making it less.

Upon standing still and not moving cursor the connection flickers on and off constantly, never settling.

What you expected to happen:

Small amount more of lag, and as stated above, less blurred.

Stable connection while looking in a general direction

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open EnderIO

2. Watch FPS

  1. Look at Travel Anchor/EnderIO with Staff Of Traveling
  2. Observe

    Your most recent log file where the issue was present:


Upon further investigation the flickering has stoped although the lag is still occurent with the EnderIO


The EnderIO block has been disabled for now, and is no longer craftable.
Hopefully we will find the time to fix it, but it is not planned 'soon'.


Could I recommend making it able to access inventorys, such as other machines. I have not been able to get the to work in previous versions as well.


That functionality has been removed from Forge, I'd recommend to complain there.


closing this ticket, we are aware that the Ender IO is disabled and not fully ported to 1.8.9+