Advanced Item Filter for Bee keeping
Valdee opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Hi, i would like to ask, if you could add a setting to Advanced item filter for bee keeping.
At the moment, there is no decent automation for bee keeping for newest verssions of MC, like 1.10.2.
I would like to see something like Logistic Pipes item filter, where you could pick different genetic traits.
Some bees have a huge area efect, better than RF Tools machines, giving bonusses or even constant XP gain.
Your transport system is the bestest i played with so far, but i truly believe it is missing this filtering options for Forestry.
Personally, I feel it'd be a better idea for someone (who is actually playing with bees themselves) to implement this as standalone bee-sorter machine. The integration with dozens of mods was one of the things that made porting Ender IO to 1.10 so hard and lengthy.