Mekanism basic universal cable don't output power from enderio capacitor bank
mcdodge34 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Ok, I'm using the Avant 3 modpack (1.10.2 modpack on curse launcher) but I try to update most mods manually to solve this kind of problems whenever I can, right now I have a problem with Mekanism basic universal cables, they get the power fine from my 2 Mekanism Wind Generator and transmit it fine to the EnderIO Capacitor Bank, the problem is the same cable doesn't get the power out of the capacitor bank to anything, I have a sag mill and a alloy smelter right now but I also tried a metallurgic infuser from Mekanism to no avail.
EnderIO version I have end with .107 will one of the two most recent versions of enderio correct this issue or its on Mekanism side I should ask ???
107 was the last version that had the old (extremely well tested and working for years) RF code. So thi sis definitely Mekanism.