Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[1.10.2] Aversion Obelisk not preventing baby skeleton spawns

xenoflot opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Issue Description:

My server runs a slightly modified FTB Unstable 1.10. There's no support channel for that :-/ so I'm reporting here.

What happens:

Baby skeletons are spawning within the range of effect of an Aversion Obelisk.

  • The obelisk contains a soul vial containing an unarmoured, adult skeleton.
  • Have also tested with adding a vial containing baby skeleton but no change on results.
  • The obelisk at my base is working fine with just the adult skeleton vial. The obelisks at spawn and my friend's base are still letting baby skels spawn (with and w/o the baby in a vial)
  • All obelisks are fitted with a octadic capacitor and have reliable power.
  • We considered the possibility that the skels walked in from outside the exclusion zone, but there are too many in close for that to be the case.
  • Only thought that I've had is that interaction with Mekanism (since it gives armour to many mobs) may be the cause

What you expected to happen:

All mob sub-types to be prevented from spawning, if a vial containing any mob sub-type is present in the obelisk

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place and power an Aversion Obelisk
  2. Add an Octadic Capacitor
  3. Add soul vial containing a skeleton
  4. Wait.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: EnderIO-1.10.2-
  • EnderCore: EnderCore-1.10.2-
  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Mekanism: Mekanism-1.10.2-

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

I don't have access to server logs.


hmmm, I've personally tried the spawn obelisk with and without the baby skeleton soul vial, and my friend says he's tried with and without at his base.

Should I lodge with Aidan Brady or will you follow up with him?


I'm currently trying to setup a dev env with both mods to run this through the debugger...


Ok, I found the issue. The mobs pretend to be skeletons, but that only works while they exist in the world, not while they are stored in a soul vial. That's mostly harmless, up to the point where we need to compare them and find a "skeleton" that has a type (normal, wither, stray) in the world but some "not-skeleton" that has no type in the bottle.

The fix is to ignore the skeleton-type if the soul vial doesn't have a type.


fixed in next build


Baby skeletons are not a vanilla mob. Do you happen to know which mod adds them?


Found it, they are Mekanism, too.

And BTW, they are NOT a sub-type of Skeletons. So you will need a matching "baby skeleton" soul vial.


You're good! You're real good! Thanks Henry!


Hi Henry,

We're running now and it appears that this problem still remains.