[TESLA] Crash 1.10.2
CitiesXL2815 opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Issue Description:
Crash with Ender IO
What happens:
in creative clicking the ender io button crashes the game
What you expected to happen:
show all the items in creative GUI
Steps to reproduce:
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO:
- EnderCore:
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge:
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
This is the same issue as here: Darkhax-Minecraft/Tesla#41 and doesn't seem to be an EnderIO issue diredctly, however I could be entirely wrong.
Seems I'll have to add a "which mod brings along which Tesla classes" diagnostics to the crash report like I did with RF...
The only mod which should be adding new classes is the primary Tesla library. If other mods are bundling Tesla or modified versions of it please ask them to stop.
The latest build will now list the location each Tesla class has been loaded from in the crash report, just like Ender IO has been doing for RF for a while now.
However, I believe this crash is caused by a class that loads a Tesla class being loaded when Forge loads the main Mod class. At this time Tesla may not yet be in the classpath, and this failed try will even blacklist that Tesla class from being ever loaded again.
The latest Ender IO build will try very hard to avoid this.
@Darkhax You might want to warn people about this. Mod authors should make sure that loading their main mod class or any of their proxy classes never indirectly classloads a Tesla class.
The crash related to this post and the ones found at Darkhax-Minecraft/Tesla#41 and from mezz/JustEnoughItems#500 are now solved.
The forge log attached below is using the latest EnderIO ( to help discover the root issue
Thanks for that great log, @iamomicron. Found 2 other (minor) issues with it.
@CitiesXL2815 We could close this, but I expect to get a couple of dupe reports for the next week. So I'll leave this open for a bit so I can find it more easily.