Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[1.10.2] [Multiplayer] Capacitor banks Input/output sets itself to 0 rf/t

MrNinja93 opened this issue ยท 15 comments


Issue Description:

Occasionally capacitor banks will reset input and output values to 0 rf/t I've only had this issue happen on a multiplayer server and it only seems to happen if a player opens the capacitor bank GUI (though its still random times during that action)

Same as reported in #3577 Issue was closed and deemed fixed in EnderIO - 1.10.2-

Haven't seen it reported since then so if its been reported since ignore.

What you expected to happen:

For capacitor banks to stay set to default input/output or player set I/O regardless of how many times the GUI is opened.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Be on server.
2.Open/Close GUI of capacitor bank until I/O set itself to 0 Rf/t

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

Server so not fully up to date on mods, Currently:-

  • EnderIO: 1.10.2-
  • EnderCore: 1.10.2-
  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: 2094

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:



I'm getting this issue on Single Player too. At first I thought it was whenever I loaded the world, but I tested a couple times, and it is not consistent.
I'm using EnderIO-1.10.2- and EnderCore-1.10.2-


I tried testing in Singleplayer to see if I could trigger it but never could in either version 112 or 120,

Commit added stacks up with what I was experiencing though, was always when client took it seemed slightly longer to open the GUI than usual whenever it happened. I'll try again and see if a super laggy world or lowering ram triggers it and if it does test with a custom build (Mod version with that commit isnt released yet)


Tested in 112 singleplayer with a download of my servers world (Laggiest singleplayer world I had, actually broke minecraft twice in one players base!) teleported back and forth between peoples bases and cap banks (for chunk-load/unload) to see if I could get it to happen and no luck. Still mutiplayer only for me.

Will probably do a pack update soon for the server so I'll report back here whenever we put new versions of EnderIO with that commit in (will at-least wait for it to hit curseforge/a couple days extra to make sure it doesn't break something horribly)


Getting this issue in single player, HermitPack.
Ender IO version 1.10.2- Beta
Happened several times. Not sure if it's after restarts or after accessing the GUI
Multiblock of three lowest tier capacitors directly under an Environmental Tech 0.10.4b solar panel with a basic ender io conduit as an output heading down to the mine. I have been putting "Not Enough Wands" wands in it to charge.


If you're getting the issue fairly often in single player it might be worth testing with a copy of your instance/world and version 121 linked above to see if it still happens, I couldn't reproduce it in single player but I hardly play singleplayer minecraft atm to notice it happening there like you might, some bugs need playtime to show themselves.


im having the same issue with 1.10.2-, forge have you found a solution to the problem?


@nico1995doom no - as you can't read the solution posted above


I'm also experiencing this issue. I don't think chunk unloads/reloads are necessarily the cause of it, because I've been in the same area for a while now and it's reset about 3~4 times in the space of 5 hours.
I'm also on single-player.


@Aerolivier Can you try that instance with version 121 of EnderIO from the EnderIO-Jenkins site here: http://ci.tterrag.com/job/EnderIO-1.10/121/ (or 122) and see if it still happens.

(Make a back up of things just in case)

(Issue I had in multiplayer wasn't chunkload/unload but I did so in single-player to try incorporate some extra lag to try trigger it)


A player on my server reported this problem today. Has this fix been rolled into the release? If so, it didn't work :)

We're currently on:


so it didn't work...and I'm completely out of ideas what could cause this... :-(


I'm getting this issue too, with the Direwolf20 pack.

So aggravating. :(

Direwolf pack has:


FYI: I have reports that build 171 fixes this problem.


Bug appeared a loooong time ago at some 1.7.10 version