Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[1.10] Aversion obelisk not working with certain mobs.

MrNinja93 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue Description:

The Aversion obelisk seems to not register some mobs as non valid to spawn in its range, commonly seen with EnderZoo skeletons and mekanism baby skeletons (note: vials for both in obelisk), I assume its something to do with NBT or Meta tags as they both commonly wear armour.

What happens:

Mobs that are put into the aversion obelisk as soul vials still spawn in the aversion obelisks range.

What you expected to happen:

Aversion obelisk to stop spawning of mobs it has soul vials for.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Have Aversion obelisk
2.EnderZoo skeletons/Mekanism baby skeletons vial inside (and for testing purposes all other aggresive mobs so they wont outspawn them)
3. EnderZoo skeletons and baby skeletons still spawn

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 1.10.2-
  • EnderCore: 1.10.2-
  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:2094

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:



Try updating EnderIO & Core - there has been a fix to the skeleton sub type handling.


Derp, didn't do a proper search for an existing issue I'll check again with a fully up to date mod versions and see if its fixed/update and close this if it is.


That'll teach me not to search 100% of the time, fix fixes both the mekanism's baby skeletons and EnderZoo's fallen knights spawning.


thx @MatthiasMann, I didn't even notice it was an older version...and I completely forgot that I was actually able to fix that problem then. Off to bed with me!