[1.10.2] Vertical Fluid Conduits Texture Missing
Yandols opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Issue Description:
Fluid and Pressurized Fluid Conduits, when placed vertically becomes invisible. Problem however does not occur when fluids are passing through it, only when empty.
Screenshots Provided:
- https://i.zxicar.us/dttxa18_Y4v7.png - Conduit texture in the middle is missing.
- https://i.zxicar.us/y3HEGcF_7bKO.png - Ditto, longer vertical conduit line.
- https://i.zxicar.us/8RnS3E1Haq9C.png - Problem however does not occur when any conduits are connected to it horizontally.
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: EnderIO-1.10.2-
- EnderCore: EnderCore-1.10.2-
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge: forge-
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
N/A - Not a crash.
Seen this in 112 too, not limited to vertical either, Seen it happen in horizontal ones that have been placed for a while and were visible at the start (Typical that I cant find any doing so now)
Also fairly sure I've seen it in conduits other than fluid.