[1.10.2] Server thread crash placing Farming Station at Y=62 in a BoP Marsh
xenoflot opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Issue Description:
OK, really weird one. A player on my server reported her newly-crafted farming station behaving strangely. During my investigation I was able to establish:
- The problem was not unique to her particular farming station. The problem also happened with a spawned one, and one I had been using at my base for a while.
- If placed at Y=62, we get a thread crash on the server. If placed one block higher or lower, no problem.
- In the capacitor, we see power being drawn. In the farm, the energy buffer remains empty.
- Sometimes saplings are used but not placed.
- I couldn't replicate this problem at my base, so I flew around trying different biomes. Appears to be unique to the BoP Marsh biome and not dependent on chunk borders. I was only able to find two Marshes (opposite sides of the map). Tried in several vanilla and BoP biomes and the problem only appeared in the two marshes.
- A Vat did not exhibit the problem.
- Only happens when the farm tries to use power, but can be from a conduit or capacitor. For example, if the farm had some stored energy (from a negative test in a non-Marsh biome), simply placing the farm would result in the thread crash. Placing a capacitor next to it, would cause a second thread crash.
What you expected to happen:
- Normal farm operation.
Steps to reproduce:
- Find a BoP "Marsh"
- Place a power source
- Place a farming station
- Observe thread crash on server console
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO:
- EnderCore:
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge: 2107
- BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2-
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
That crash report has a truncated stack trace. Could you please look in the logfile for a full stack trace?
I'm not sure what a full trace looks like, sorry so here's the full log.