Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Requests List+Ender IO Modules+Inventory Panel

Opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I think that Ender IO is interesting enough, it would be more globally. It's be better if you add this:
1.Void Miner(Can mine resources(ores) from nothing. It will be a multiblock structure, and it must have bedrock block under a. If you put colored glass into machine it would working like linse which increase drop chance of something ores. 5000 RF/t. It will have an "Ender Upgrade" which wolud be work like a filter(you put into it ores) and when you took it into machine it will be more slower and "eat" 20000 RF/t, but it will mine only that ore which are in filter)/
I offer to "cut" Ender IO on modules:
1.Core(Craft components and basic machines for production this componets(Alloy Smelter, SAG Mil, The Vat, Soul Binder, Slice n' Splice))
2.Agriculture(Powered Spawner, Farming Station, mob breeding, Killer Joe)
3.Ender Tech(All magitech, Dimensional Transceiver,...)
5.Power(Generators, Capacitor Bank)
7.Dark Steel Items, Armors, Tools


These are just my opinions. I am not involved in Ender IO Development. I have no comments on 1 or 2 beyond that they seem to be inspired by MineFactory Reloaded.

  1. Chemistry ... for what purpose?

  2. Fusion Reactor - Reactors are only really used/needed because of RF power creep, which Ender IO has refused to contribute to (For instance, they have repeatedly refused to increase the power transfer limits on their conduits/dimensional transceiver). I doubt we will ever see a 200+ RF/t generator in Ender IO. Also, don't copy Mekanism just for the heck of it (I'm including request 3 when I say that).

  3. Again, for what purpose? I think the SAG Mill giving ~3x ore processing (Dark Steel Balls) and extra byproducts (like the occasional Gold from Copper) is powerful enough to not need a boost.

'Cut' into modules: I never understood why some mods do that. I can understand core mods, like EnderCore; "add-ons" that are extremely different, like RFTools Control; or potentially OP modules that aren't required in the main mod, like RFTools Dimensions...

...But I never understood cutting mods into little pieces like Mekanism's separate tool download, or all of CoFH's "Thermal" modules. That just seems like needlessly increasing the mods downloaded counter and causing confusion.


I'd like to add that although there are some good reasons for splitting mods into separate modules, EnderIO deals with that by being very configurable - basically anything you don't want can be disabled through the config.


Is the TODO list publicly available somewhere?


partially. there are the labels "Suggestion" and "Improvement" and there are the "Projects". But many of the things we want to do long-term we just talked about, e.g. "we want to do animal handling some day" and "splitting eio into modules would be nice but probably more work than it's worth".


I think that Inventory Pannel would be better than AE if you would upgrade it.

  1. It MUST be wireless(Maybe it would be something like Inventory Relay. You connect it to anything block with interface and it would work like(you can choose mode) ME Interface(you can put in Recipe Disk, and it would be autocraft) or Storage Bus(but you can't connect it to anything inventory anymore). After that you must connect all Inventory Relay to Inventory Interface)
  2. It MUST have personal storage system(It will be a multiblock which is built for this rules: case will build from special blocks and inside the case can be six types of blocks:basic inventory bank, inventory bank, vibrant inventory bank, basic liquid inventory bank, liquid inventory bank and vibrant liquid inventory bank. Each of this blocks, if the ate inside multiblock case will add a certain amount of items or mB(and Inventory Relay in the storage bus mode must be connected to it)).

Thank you for your suggestion. It has been added to our list or possible enhancement.

This ticket will be closed because we want the list of open tickets to reflect known issues.


Half of that stuff already is on our TODO list, the other half is either "that's not Ender IO" or "no way we could find the time to do that".


Did you read changed comments?