Connection between Dense Cable and ME Dense Conduit renders as a ME Smart Cable connection
Xiaminou opened this issue · 14 comments
Issue Description:
What happens:
Renders as a Smart Cable connection.
What you expected to happen:
Should render as Dense Cable connection.
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- Mods: list.txt
- EnderIO:
- EnderCore:
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge: 2135
oh, now I understand what you mean! A connection to a dense conduit renders the same as a connection to a normal conduit.
yeah, that I didn't know what the ME cable tiers are didn't help ;). But I got it now, even if it's not showing up on github atm
There is nothing to fix. All we really try to say to the cable is "render in your own style and don't feel restricted by us". What was wrong was that the dense ME conduit didn't allow a dense connection to be rendered---it was saying "I'm a non-dense cable that is dense" before. If the cable renders a different style than its own (I'm not sure from the pic as I don't know the cables good enough), then that would be an issue on AE2's side.
BTW: The last fix is in the latest Ender IO build, so you can test it.
This looks ok to me, the ME cable is being itself and is not changing style for the the connection to the conduit. What do you think?
i am a little bit confused why the cable hub is showing there!
looks like a AE2 bug to me to some degree, as your dense conduit ist properly connected to the dense cable it should render as straight cable instead of showing this fat knob there (even with an cable anchor it should not render the hub)