Dark helm covers too much of player skin
ShaunDreclin opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Issue Description:
Just a nitpick I guess, but the helmet just looks bad. When I wear it, it looks like I've got a big robotic smiley face. Maybe add a keybind to uncover your face ร la robocop?
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 1.10.2-3.1.168
- EnderCore: 1.10.2-
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge:
Sidenote: you can paint it (painting machine) with almost any block for a humorous effect.
Ender IO does add an invisible block to make it look like you aren't wearing the helmet. It does still show the solar panel (if you have one) though.
Random idea: Have two textures for the helmet front, one that is more normal and shows the eyes, and the current one which is used when the Nightvision or Sound Locator upgraded is installed.
@HenryLoenwind I like that idea.
Can we also have the Solar Panel either not be shown when painted, or toggle-able (like the glider wings)? It's a nice upgrade, but looks a bit weird, especially when it's floating a few inches above your head when the helm is painted with the invisible block.
but but but ... it's like an angelic ring above your head for using renewable energy sob .... just kidding, configurable would be nice if possible
it works well if you have a full block as paint....
Two reasons it's always there: (a) It's renderer doesn't know anything about the helmet. (b) I couldn't find a good way to check if the paint model works with the panel. (c) how should it catch the sun if light goes through it?
point C is why I suggested "...or toggle-able (like the glider wings)." I'm thinking the possibility to turn the upgrade off and pull the whole panel off your head when not used. This could be similar to the faceplate you suggested for night/sound vision.
Random idea: Have two textures for the helmet front, one that is more normal and shows the eyes, and the current one which is used when the Nightvision or Sound Locator upgraded is installed.
I would second this idea, but instead have the visor show when the night vision/sound locator is "active", rather than just "installed". I'm enthralled with the imagery of hitting the keybind to turn on night vision and having the face plate slide down =D