EnderIO crashes if I do a thing
SoniEx2 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Issue Description:
I tried (roughly) the following code:
if (tileentity.getClass().getName().startswith("enderio")) {
World oldWorld = tileentity.worldObj;
tileentity.worldObj = new FakeWorld() {
public TileEntity getTileEntity(BlockPos bp) {
return new DummyTileEntity(itemStack);
tileentity.worldObj = oldWorld;
and it crashed.
What happens:
It crashes.
What you expected to happen:
Power to go into my seeds.
Steps to reproduce:
- Uh. Write a mod that does the above? I'm not gonna publish this code because IT CRASHES.
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
No, seriously, can we just get PULL? This is getting kinda ridiculous, isn't it?