Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Crash during the game launch.

MeHaNiK-Corp opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue Description:

Kind time of the day, dear developers! I do not know very well English, so I write using Google Translate. I apologize for possible errors, this is my first message on GitHub. My problem is that after adding the mod EnderIO to my modpack, the game stopped running. I tried to run only EnderIO, of course with Ender Core. As a result, I got crash (http://pastebin.com/d3PPat5Y). At the moment I do not know how to fix this problem.

What happens:

After adding the mod, crash occurs.

What you expected to happen:

The game will start and I will be able to play with this mod.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add EnderIO and EnderCore to the mods folder.
  2. Start the game.
  3. Get crash.

Affected Versions:

  • EnderIO: 1.7.10-
  • EnderCore: 1.7.10-
  • Minecraft: 1.7.10
  • Forge:

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

Log file: http://pastebin.com/eEeR2LQM
FML-Log file: http://pastebin.com/gWeXrcRz
Crash-report: http://pastebin.com/d3PPat5Y


Is your Minecraft installation very old? If yes, then it may have a very old version of a library.


I recently reinstalled the game. As I understand, the latest versions of the libraries were downloaded. How can I find out their versions?


Have the same problem with the same crash report, but my friend does not.
Tried on clean minecraft installation.

endercore: 1.7.10-
EnderIO: 1.7.10-

Noticed that my friend's game loads with lang3 lib ver 3.3.2, whether my loads with 3.1, also after deleting libraries folder(launchers are the same)



@MeHaNiK-Corp if you still stuck on this issue then add commons-lang3 3.3.2 version to your mc installation. Edit .minecraft/versions/[ver]/[ver].json