Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Tooltip in Transparent Conduit Facade and Transparent Hardened Conduit Facade gives wrong info

dragon3025 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue Description:

I read somewhere that the developers decided that the Transparent Conduit Facade and Transparent Hardened Conduit Facades shouldn't hide conduits, but have the wire appear in the block; the tooltip says that it hides it when the facade is painted with a transparent block. I'm new to Ender IO so I ended up having to search online out of confusion.

What happens:

Tooltip gives the wrong info.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Hold shift to view Ender IO Transparent Conduit Facade and Transparent Hardened Conduit Facade information.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 3.1.156
  • EnderCore:
  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:



A long time ago, facades always hid the conduits inside. Even when painted with something like glass. I didn't think this made much sense, so back in 1.7.10 I made them show the conduits if the block was transparent. A lot of people liked the old way, so this block was added. A facade with a solid paint will never show conduits, but only the transparent conduit facades can show conduits. The tooltip is correct.


I confirm that the tooltip is correct, in that the behavior matches what the tooltip says in 1.10.2-

Transparent: hides the conduits when painted with a non-solid block.

Emphasis mine. To reiterate: the transparent conduit facade hides the conduit even when painted with a non-solid block.

However, @tterrag1098 seems to have misspoken:

only the transparent conduit facades can show conduits

This was probably meant to read:
Only the regular conduit facades can show conduits. (And only when painted non-solid.)
The transparent conduit facades hide conduits - regardless of paint.

Note finally that 'non-solid' and 'transparent' both have meanings in vanilla Minecraft that aren't what's meant.

  • Vanilla Minecraft refers to tnt, blocks of redstone, stairs, slabs, cactus, and glass (the blocks that don't suffocate you if your head ends up inside them) as 'transparent'. Among these, the first two will completely hide conduit, but the latter 4 will show at least some conduit if you use a regular facade.
  • Vanilla Minecraft uses 'non-solid' mostly for fluids, air, and props like carpet/ladders/flowerpots. The only blocks that you can paint with that are 'non-solid' by that definition are snow blocks and chorus plant/flower blocks, which will of course completely hide conduit.
  • "Non-full" is poorly defined but is probably the closest vanilla Minecraft term for blocks that have the potential to show conduit if used as paint for a regular facade.

Posting to save any future readers the same confusion I had from the misspoken assertion, having settle the matter definitively for myself through experimentation.