Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Items cannot be charged using Actually Addition’s batteries or energizer

Opened this issue · 1 comments


RF-using items from Ender IO, such as the staff of travelling, cannot be charged using the energizer or batteries from Actually Additions.

I’m not sure if this is an an Ender IO bug or an Actually Additions bug.

Ender IO version: 3.1.156 (latest for 1.10.2)
Actually Additions version: r105 (latest for 1.10.2)
Forge version: 12.18-3-2254 (latest for 1.10.2)

(I also posted this on Actually Addition’s GitHub page: Ellpeck/ActuallyAdditions/issues/734)


Neither. Install the Tesla API (it is a separate mod).

  • Ender IO items can accept either Forge Energy or Tesla. They do not accept the CoFH RF API. Ender IO conduits and machines are able to use and convert CoFH RF.
  • AA only works with Tesla or CoFH RF.