Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[Suggestion] Allow players to hide certain conduits when holding a conduit

Opened this issue · 4 comments


You can hide conduits using the yeta wrench, which is a very useful feature, but that doesn’t work when you’re holding a conduit. Can you allow shift-scroll to work when holding conduits, not just the wrench?


I don’t want to use the yeta wrench from my left hand; I just want to hide conduits whilst holding conduits. That’s probably much easier to implement.

By the way, I dislike using another website. Why can’t suggestions be posted on GitHub?


Because their is no voting system here, so I have no idea which suggestions have any kind of wider support in the player base and which ones are just made by loud people.


Suggestions are tracked here: ideas.theideawall.com/EnderIO

"Conduit Hiding" has already been suggested. The conversation on that subject suggested allowing the Yeta Wrench to hide conduits from the off-hand.


@HenryLoenwind i too hate it to create an additional login just to vote... is just found http://poll.gitrun.com/
it is open source and it features github authentication but you can only manage entrys for gits you have access too ... and it would only create new issues, i will see if i can work into the code and give it a function where it fetches the "Suggestion" label and makes an automatic list of all those issues