EnderIO boots cause autojump regardless of user preference
Opened this issue · 7 comments
Issue Description:
I have turned autojump off in my client's Minecraft settings. I am still autojumping tho.
What happens:
Still autojumping.
What you expected to happen:
Autojumping to stop.
Steps to reproduce:
Turn off autojump.
Wear enderIO shoes. Mine have the following traits on them:
- Custom name
- Depth Strider III
- Unbreaking III
- Protection IV
- Empowered IV
- Jump III
- Try running up a hill.
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 1.10.2-3.1.179
- EnderCore: 1.10.2-
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge:
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
@MatthiasMann And how does one turn this off?
I use https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/client-tweaks for this
Disable Step Assist (with keybind)
There's people who hate step assist, me included. But sometimes those step-assist granting items add some other cool perks that we want. So this option lets you disable the step-assist part only. With optional keybind to toggle.
EDIT: As @HenryLoenwind said, there is a configurable hotkey for it. No need to use a mod.
@calloatti That's very useful. Thanks! But can someone tell me why this is even a feature anymore? It seems like it should be removed, as it's behavior now built into Minecraft, and having it enabled by wearing a certain type of armor causes confusion, and autojump isn't favored by everyone.
At the very least, there should be a config option built into EnderIO to disable it.
- You are not jumping (which costs hunger, jumps you all over the place and is generally annoying), this is step assist, which allows you to walk up 1-block high instead of just 0.6-block high.
- It is part of the Jump Upgrade
- It has a hotkey
@HenryLoenwind Ah. That's not something I noticed. (I didn't keep auto jump on long enough to notice the hunger consumption.) Fair enough, if it has a hotkey to toggle it.
Edit: tried the hotkey and it worked. Maybe there should be documentation about this? I didn't have any way to connect that hot key to what I mistook for autojump at the time, and actually thought it was a bug with forge or something. I even skimmed the source code and was still confused about this.
Plus, there are a lot of hotkeys added due to all the mods I have. You can't really count on people to guess this stuff.