Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Item Conduits stop working

calloatti opened this issue · 24 comments


Issue Description:

Item conduits stop working. I know this has been reported before:


What happens:

Item conduits stop working

What you expected to happen:

Item conduits should not stop working

Steps to reproduce:

I have a saved game where this happens everytime you load the map. You have to break and replace a counduit to make it work again. Then it randomly stops working again for who knows what reasons.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO:EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.180
  • EnderCore:EnderCore-1.10.2-
  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:forge-1.10.2-

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

I will add screenshots, logs, stick right click diagnostics in a comment.

Anything else you need to solve this I will try to provide. I can even post the MultiMC Minecraft instance and the saved map to reproduce the problem.

Images of general setup:



Full log: https://paste.ee/p/018Cx

When the world is loaded only some conduits are working. After break and replace all conduits start working again. Check bottom of log for before and after break/replace for conduit right click with hand report.

Just after loading world:

[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §aItem Conduit connection to: down
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §9 Extracted items will be inserted into:
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a855§f y§a64§f z§a71 Distance [48]
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a71 Distance [64]
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a55 Distance [80]
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a39 Distance [96]
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §9 Can receive items from:
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a855§f y§a64§f z§a71
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a39
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a55
[09:18:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a71

After breaking and replacing conduit:

[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §aItem Conduit connection to: down
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §9 Extracted items will be inserted into:
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a855§f y§a64§f z§a71 Distance [48]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a855§f y§a64§f z§a55 Distance [64]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a839§f y§a64§f z§a71 Distance [64]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a71 Distance [64]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a855§f y§a64§f z§a39 Distance [80]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a839§f y§a64§f z§a55 Distance [80]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a55 Distance [80]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a839§f y§a64§f z§a39 Distance [96]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a39 Distance [96]
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §9 Can receive items from:
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a855§f y§a64§f z§a71
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a855§f y§a64§f z§a55
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a855§f y§a64§f z§a39
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a839§f y§a64§f z§a39
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a39
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a839§f y§a64§f z§a55
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a55
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a839§f y§a64§f z§a71
[09:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] - Farming Station x§a871§f y§a64§f z§a71


This is what the setup looks like. There are nine farming stations all connected to an RS interface.


851,112 is the interface. The nine chunks are the farming stations.

MS Paint version with the conduits. Only energy and item conduits go from the interface to each farming station.



Stick right click after loading world: https://paste.ee/p/jN4mJ

Stick right click after break and replace: https://paste.ee/p/hKEfV


Firstly, if you know that this has been posted before (and three times before at that), why post it again?

Secondly, can you please use Pastebin or Hastebin for logs to prevent large walls of text?

Lastly, please edit your comments and posts rather than posting thrice in a row.


Well, let me jump on the bandwagon here instead of starting yet another issue.

I am playing Age of Engineering 1.10.2
Ender IO: 1.10.2-3.1.179
EnderCore: 1.10.2-

This issue happens for me when an item conduit crosses a chunk border, but not randomly. I am based in the mining dimension, and when I travel to the overworld and then teleport to a wp far away, that distance seems to break the conduits ability to read each other. I have tried FTB utils chunk loading, and even added in persistent bits, but neither seems to solve the issue. Breaking and replacing any conduit in the line will fix the issue.


I am not using FTB utils chunk loading. In fact no FTB anything, all the mods have been downloaded one by one by myself.

I added the Persistent Bits mod and added a Persistent Bits chunkloader to see if this would solve the issue, no change.

And this is why I created a new ticket, there are at least 3, and it seems like the problem could not been solved yet.

Here I attempt to focus exactly on one instance and environment, providing details and images and diagnostics to try to help solve it, and someone hijacks the thread with another scenario and 3 lines and we get sidetracked into FTB Utils chunkloader.

Well, I tried.


um, FTB utils chunk loading is one of the known causes for this...


Ok, so if I turn off FTB utils chunk loading, and rely on just persistent bits, might that resolve the issue? or will I have to uninstall FTB utils completely? I am not sure what the dependencies are associated with it.


I'm not sure, I just know that disabling the loaded chunks in the GUI does not work. Disabling the chunkloading feature in the config may...

And if this issue wasn't spread out over 20 tickets, you might have noticed that this: https://github.com/LatvianModder/FTBUtilities/issues/360 is linked in quite recently.


An interesting read. Sorry to have bothered everyone since it's clearly not an EIO bug. If I knew how to disable the chunkloading feature completely, I would try that, however, I am not that skilled with things like that.


ok, can you give me a stick-click of the conduits that are not connecting? I'm interested in the "getExternalConnections" value they have server side. I'd also like to see if the network ID is the same as on those conduits that do work.

This is the first trace that actually shows some anomaly. While the list of conduits coordinates is the same in both broken and working states and the conduits still visually connect, the insert/extract list does differ. The problem with this problem is that we neither do know what happens, nor which state the game is after it happens. Usually we have one or even both of them...



Bad news: my son was playing on the map. He just added conduit facades everywhere and removed blocks to make it easier to navigate the conduits maze. He did not touch the conduits themselves at all.

Now no conduit works after loading game, before we had some working after game load, now no one works.

stick-click of all connections after loading game, none works:

I stick clicked the RS interface connector first and then the nine farming stations north-west to south-east in sequence.


stick click after break-replace one conduit, everything works:

part 1: https://paste.ee/p/sw1Ld
part 2: https://paste.ee/p/83iP6

I guess the former situation where some worked and some did not was a better scenario to work with.

If it helps I can revert to a backup where some work and some don´t and post the stick clicks. If you need that just ask.


I just went ahead and restored a backup. On game load we have 5 broken and 4 working connectors:


stick-clicks of all connectors:


After breaking and replacing one conduit everything works.

stick-clicks of all connectors working:


Hope all this helps. Anything else you need just ask.


Thank you.

So to me it looks like the network forms correctly and it even picks up the external connections---they just don't work. I added code to force refresh the external connections on the first tick after the conduit is loaded from the save file. Maybe that'll help. Could you try it out, please? It is in this build: http://ci.tterrag.com/job/EnderIO-1.10/182/


It seems to be working. Tested with 180 and 182

180 keeps failing, 182 connectors work on game load. I will keep you updated if connectors fail randomly or fail on load again. Thanks!

EnderIO is great by the way. Thank you for so many hours of fun.


Thx. Without those logs I'd never found a solution.

(yes, "a", not "the". This is like a door that doesn't latch right. You close it and then press against it for the latch to take. That's "a" solution, a better one would be to have the door fixed...)


Similar problem happening to me. Tried removing FTBUtils since some people mentioned that could be causing the problem but didn't fix. There is a small video to show what happened: https://gfycat.com/LightAridBubblefish


Was suspecting my problem could be related to TE instead of this bug but KingLemming says the problem is not on TE's side: https://github.com/CoFH/Feedback/issues/169#issuecomment-294871013


@ChaoticTabris did you try the version posted here: #4155 (comment)


@calloatti I did. Still having the same problem =/


any idea when this version might be released to Curse for pack updates?


awesome. thanks.


@ktole1999 12 hours ago



This problem still seems to be occurring.

Modpack: Project Ozone 3 (Version 3.0.40)
EnderCore: 0.5.57
EnderIO: 5.0.43
EnderIO-endergy: 5.0.43

I have also tested with the latest release versions of the EnderIO files:

EnderCore: 0.5.59
EnderIO: 5.0.46
EnderIO-endergy: 5.0.46

I have attached my debug.log, though I'm not sure if it will be much help since it doesn't seem to include any info about the conduit connections.


I have seen, and completely read all of the previous reports of this problem I could find:


Unfortunately, none of those reports seemed to end with the source of the problem being identified or fixed. This thread is the closest I have seen to a solution, since you implemented code to force refresh the external connections on the first tick after the conduit is loaded from the save file. Is this code still included in the 1.12.2 versions? If not, can it be re-added?

I tried stick-clicking one of the conduits, but it didn't appear to do anything. Is that functionality still in the 1.12.2 releases?

Here are the steps I have tried so far, none of which seemed to make any difference:

-Removed FTB Utilities and FTBLib from the pack.
-Updated to the latest release version of EnderIO. (versions noted above)
-Tested with, and without, chunk loading. (Using ChickenChunks)
-Completely deconstructing, and rebuilding, the conduit network.

None of these steps have solved the issue. Without fail, every time I restart the game and load my world, the conduits lose their connection. As with the other reports, breaking and replacing any conduit in the network fixes the issue until the next time the chunk is unloaded/reloaded.

My setup is in a SSP world and includes item, energy, and fluid conduits. However, so far only the energy conduits seem to be losing their connection on every world load. At least, as far as I've noticed. I have had the item conduits lose connection once that I noticed. I will include a screenshot to give you a visual.

2019-07-01_09 44 42

I really want to see this issue figured out, and fixed, once and for all. So I am happy to provide any additional information you may need to accomplish that. I would even be happy to upload my world save so you can use it for testing, if that would help.