Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Custom conduit of previously registered type

BSFishy opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue Description:

I am trying to make a mod that adds a custom conduit to EnderIO. It is a power conduit, so keep that in mind. The issue is that whenever I try to register the conduit to the ConduitRegistry, it says that the conduit's offset could not be set. This is because Offsets will not allow multiple of the same type of conduit to be registered.

What happens:

The game crashes, producing an error saying that an offset could not be registered.

What you expected to happen:

The conduit to be registered, and everyone is happy

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new conduit
  2. Register it using a new ConduitInfo, but with a conduit's type that has already been registered
  3. Crash ;-;

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 3.1.180
  • EnderCore:
  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: 1.10.2-

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:



Not really unexpected, that interface is to register a new conduit type, not to add members to an existing type.

I could add a method to do that, could you please first try out if it would actually work?

/** Add a member to an already registered conduit type. The given 'info' MUST already be registered, you can access all registered types with getAll().
  public static void injectMember(ConduitInfo info, Class<? extends IConduit> member) {
      conduitCLassMap.put(member, info);
      final UUID uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(member.getName().getBytes());
      conduitMemberMapF.put(member, uuid);
      conduitMemberMapR.put(uuid, member);

Test that code? If so, is it already built, and on a Maven server? I am using EnderIO as a dependency, from the CurseForge-provided servers. I can setup EnderIO to download from another source, if need be.


@HenryLoenwind I was not able to compile the project in my local environment. Is there any way I can get someone else to make a commit/compile it for me because I don't want to make a pull request, not knowing if it works, let alone compiles. Other thoughts are:

  • There should be some sort of way it is checking to make sure the ConduitInfo is registered, i.e. something like this on the first line of that method you proposed:
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified ConduitInfo has not been added yet");
  • I have a repository if you want to test it out over here

ok, build 188 will have this method.