Conduits became nearly invisible and couldn’t be broken
Opened this issue · 0 comments
Issue Description:
The conduits are nearly invisible, outlined.
This has happened twice. The first time I couldn’t break it, and the second time I could. The first time, I had to use /setblock with cheats enabled to replace the conduits with a block and then break the block.
I cannot break it, be it with my hand, a tool, or the yeta wrench (shift-right-clicking). I’ve exited and relaunched my game, but that didn’t work. I have no idea what to do.
Note: I’ve posted this before (#4153), but it was closed, since I didn’t use the template.
What happens:
I described that above.
What you expected to happen:
That this doesn’t happen.
Steps to reproduce:
I have no idea.
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
Minecraft version: 1.10.2
Minecraft Forge version: (I’ve also tried with the latest Forge version,
Ender IO version: 3.1.180
EnderCore version:
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
I don’t have a log available, unfortunately.