[1.10.2] Crash with malformed JSON creating SP World
Morpheus1101 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Crash @ https://puu.sh/y8jUz/cc70da6fe6.txt
- EnderIO: 3.1.193
- EnderCore:
- Minecraft: 1.10.2
- Forge: *.2511
why is there a broken looking imgur picture link?
to be more precise
what mod is that? it looks like i is calling something from the internet ... an online resourcepack?
this does not look like it has to do with EIO at all
UCHIJEE JEI{} [Just Enough Items] (jei_1.10.2-
UCHIJEE jeibees{} [JEI Bees] (jeibees-
UCHIJEE jeresources{} [Just Enough Resources] (JustEnoughResources-1.10.2-
those are failing ... nothing with EIO there
Beats me, i thought it odd as well, but its in a pack which up untill recent update was working fine, an its tasken sdome digging just to get to the bottom of things
updated my comment just now with more details
ah okay now i get it, the JEI integration of EIO fails because the JEI mod died
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.darkhax.eplus.item.ItemScroll.enchantScroll(ItemScroll.java:58) ~[ItemScroll.class:?]
at net.darkhax.eplus.item.ItemScroll.createScroll(ItemScroll.java:47) ~[ItemScroll.class:?]
at net.darkhax.eplus.item.ItemScroll.func_150895_a(ItemScroll.java:119) ~[ItemScroll.class:?]
at crazypants.enderio.integration.jei.ItemHelper.getValidItems(ItemHelper.java:24) ~[ItemHelper.class:?]
This is the actual game crash. It seems Enchanting Plus has an item crashes the game when it is created.
PS: Yes, we can guard against such things, but it'd be better for the crashing mod to stop crashing, too.