New builds testing
Manuepolis23 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Is there a way to test the build for 1.11.2?
I try using the build from jenkins and I get this : https://pastebin.com/Rhb4naF3
Try this: http://ci.tterrag.com/job/EnderIO-Modules/job/EnderIO-Combined/ --- the nightly is meant for something else.
Also, hey, didn't you notice that I'm working on that just now? tsk...
I think is the same error
Yes, the new build script doesn't manage to create correct jars yet. We might have a new build in 6-8 hours, as we have to wait for the one who made it to fix some details.
PS/BTW: The error message in the log before the crash is more helpful. The crash itself is a Forge bug. It chokes on the bad data it just warned about, great coding...